Things I Know

Things I Know Praying for Orlando Edition
1. Summer is here, it's a beautiful day.
2. We are alive, we are healthy, we are loved.
3. Look for the good in every tragedy. There is always good.
4. The ignorant forget the fact that mass shooters are first and foremost mentally disturbed individuals.
5. If we see something, we must say something.
6. 7 more months.
7. Tolerance is a 2 way street.
8. God has a plan, maybe His plan is to remind us there is evil in this world.
9. Preachy politicians need to shut up and act. I'm talking to you.
10. Mass shootings in America have a common denominator. Hate. Stop the hate and love one another.
11. Conceal and carry. Don't be a victim.

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